Friday, May 20, 2011

Some Things Never Change...

... but most things do.

At my parents' house recently I came across a My Little Pony that I had when I was a little girl.  I picked it up and slowly turned it over in my hands.  I remembered making that toy horse gallop across my bedroom floor, lying on my stomach I played for hours.

I crossed my parents' living room and picked up my bag.  After rummaging for a minute I found what I was looking for- one of Aubrey's My Little Ponies.  I looked at these two toys separated by a generation and was surprised to see how little they had in common.

Take a look at Exhibits A and B.

Exhibit A: My Little Pony 1980-something

Exhibit B: My Little Pony 2011

I noticed that nearly everything on the newer ponies has gotten bigger.  The hair is much longer, the eyes are huge (which is saying a lot since the original eyes were pretty big anyway), the feet are bigger and, most of all, the head on the newer pony is gargantuan

Although most of the newer ponies' features have gotten bigger there are a few noticeable exceptions.  For example, the new ponies have a smaller "muzzle" area, giving them a bit of a duck-like appearance.  Most obviously though, is that the modern toys have a lot smaller bodies (which is accentuated by their mammoth heads).  If you notice the purple pony above ("Star Song") she looks like she can barely support the weight of her noggin' with her tiny body.  It's a good thing she has her Clydesdale sized feet to keep her grounded.

Before finding my pony from my childhood (which isn't exactly realistic), I thought that Aubrey's ponies looked like the horses they are supposed the represent.  After closer examination, I'm not sure what they look like.  Certainly not any horse I've seen.


As a side note, taking the pictures of these ponies had me laughing out loud.  This has to be the most ridiculous group of pictures I have ever taken.  The one below is my favorite.  I can't help chuckling when I look at "Pinkie Pie" batting her absurdly large eyes from behind her flowing mane.

Now it's your turn, what has changed since you were a kid?


The Harry Herald said...

I loved My Little Ponies growing up! I should get some for my girls! I was comparing strawberry shortcake dolls the other day. Very Interesting.

Christy said...

It's so fun looking at toys from your past. It's amazing the memories they bring along with them.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting! I must say that I do find the newer ponies more appealing.

Kelly Sparrow said...

It seems everything has changed since I was a kid. And I tell my kids all the time. We grew up before the internet, cell phones, DVD's, ATM's, recordable TV. CD's and now MP3's. Downloading and uploading. I tell my kids I remember when my parents bought their first microwave. I was 9. They were shocked. How did you eat before that, they asked.

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