I have an affliction. I have known for some time about this particular affliction of mine but I am still struggling to keep it under control. It all started when I was in Mrs. Pratt's tenth grade English class.
Standing in front of the chalkboard, our bespectacled teacher instructed us on the proper usage of commas.
"A comma marks a natural break in a sentence," she explained. "Use a comma where you would take a breath when talking."
Her instructions made sense to me and gave me confidence in using commas. I made peace with those tiny, backward "C's." Where once I was unsure and reluctant I became bold and would use them without restraint. "When in doubt, use a comma," became my mantra while writing.
But somewhere along the line my certainty in wielding the comma began to waiver. "Would I really breathe there?" "Is that a natural break in that sentence?" "Does this comma make it sound like I am breathing or panting?" Time after time, comma placement has lead to a litany of questions until, here I sit, mistrusting every comma that I write. The barrage of comma questions that I have repeatedly heaped upon myself have led to my current condition- CPD (Comma Placement Disorder).
The Internet is a place where people can come to find support and strength. Maybe, my coming forward and giving a voice to this condition will help others do the same. If you, or somebody you love, suffer from CPD please, know that you are not alone.
Together we can conquer the comma!
6 years ago
That is so funny! I had a college class where the professor was adamant about the usage of commas. But, the thing is, I don't remember which way he was adamant about them. We don't use them enough, or we use them in the wrong places. But I can relate to your CPD!
Very funny! I, am one, who WAY overuses them. I have a crush, on commas. It's true. :) Don't they make my sentence sound so much more dramatic?
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