Monday, May 16, 2011

An Exclusive Invitation

This afternoon exclusive event took place. 

The VENUE: A quaint out of the way locale in our hallway near the kitchen.

The GUEST LIST:  An intimate group of A-listers only.  Here the renowned guests are pictured; from left to right they are:

Penguin (the penguin), Maddie, PinkandPurple, Bunny (the bunny), Lollipop, Lollipop's Dad, and Minnie.

The MENU:  Local growers provided plastic fruit, watery "tea," and faux desserts.  The lusciously light meal was served on the finest in pastel china. 

The HOSTESS enjoyed herself immensely as she mingled with her guests. 

All in all, this distinguished Tea Party was a smashing success!


Becky said...

Oh I miss those days! So sweet!

The Harry Herald said...

I love this!

Lindsay Kay said...

What the heck?!? Is that your cabbage patch?? I swear it is!!

Kari said...

Lindsay, I am so impressed with your memory! That is the cabbage patch kid that my mom made for me when I was little. Now Aubrey loves her just as much as I did!

Lindsay Kay said...


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