Seems the thing to do these days is to choose a word to use as inspiration for the year rather than doing a whole list of specific resolutions.
The idea was intriguing to me. Would choosing a word help me focus on becoming better, rather than completing goals just to check them off of a list? Would a word be specific enough, or do I need something more tangible to reach for? Some years I've done really well with resolutions, other years I make them forget about them by January 15th. To be honest, recently I haven't made any at all.
Since I've been thinking about choosing a word for several years, back in December I gave it some serious thought. What word would I choose? I love words so narrowing it down to one was nearly impossible. There are so many wonderful and inspiring words. Love, Serve, Celebrate, Inspire, Create, Rejoice, Grow, Move, Connect, Nurture, Organize, Cleanse... really I could go on and on.
As I thought one word came back to me again and again. When I said it it rang true for me and what I need to focus on. Balance.
This year I will strive to:
Balance my Time.
I will allot my time with discernment
I will give my time to what is to what is best over what is good or better
Minutes may be spent on the inconsequential
But Hours will be my gift to the significant
Each Moment will be dedicated to Him.
Balance my Energy.
My reserve of energy will be spent wisely
The energy I am blessed with will be used to bless others
I will enrich My Loved Ones, My Spirit and My Home through my actions
I will recognize the limitations placed on myself and others
I will accept them with love
Balance my Body.
I will acknowledge my body as a creation of a loving Heavenly Father
I will care for it accordingly
Now you tell me, what's your word this year? Write it down and put it where you will see it often. After all, "Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines."
Great post Kari! good luck and have fun balancing ;)
Very nice!
Very good word....I think my is breathe. Just keep breathing, breathing, breathing. :)
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