Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's (with pictures!)

Back in October sometime I misplaced our camera. It may have gone missing while I was in St George with the kids over fall recess, or I could have lost it while at our family cabin for Kedar's birthday.  I really have no idea.  It has become one of those mysteries that may not be resolved during this lifetime.  I went to find it one day and it was gone. 

If there is one time of year that is worse than any other not to have a camera it is, without a doubt, the months of October, November and December.  There are no pictures of our three adorable kids in their Halloween costumes.  No pictures of the precious time with family (or the delicious food) on Thanksgiving .  Pictures of our traditional Christmas Eve jammies were not taken and Christmas morning was captured only by the camera on my man's phone.

Needless to say, I've been sad about our camera-less situation.  But, after seeing the chances of finding it get more and more remote, Kedar took matters into his own hands and bought me a new camera for Christmas!  I opened the wrapped box on Christmas morning and screamed.  It was one of those sounds that you don't intend to make but when there is so much excitment on the inside, something has to happen on the outside too.

I AM THRILLED!  (You can tell because I used all caps and italicized that last sentence.)

While we were at the cabin over New Year's I took a slew of pictures.    

 Mr. E
 Sweet Pea
 C Man
The Boys

The crowd at the cabin was much smaller than most years.  There were twelve of us instead of twenty five, but we had so much fun.  Luckily there was enough snow for the kids to sled and snowboard.  And as usual there was an overabundance of delicious food. 

There was also an incredible sunset.  The sky was ablaze with vibrant oranges, pinks and purples, so, I stepped out onto the deck to get a picture. 
I couldn't stop with just one. 
Each moment was more beautiful than the last.

My brother with his sweet twins.

All in all, it was a great way to start a new year.  Great things are happening in 2012.


Amber said...

Kari! I'm so excited for your new takes such beautiful pictures! You can totally tell the difference! Thanks for the cabin time we sure love being with you!

Anonymous said...

Happy for you! And, wow, that is an incredible sunset.

Christy said...

Your photos are awesome! Looking forward to many, many more!

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